I just read my blog after I finished Light & Lighting Photography Guidebook. By that time I never thought I would write another book. Now it’s real and my second one, POSE is out. How I feel? What was it like to do it?
Trip together
I wrote in Light & Lighting blog: “Life is empty without other people. I’ve been lucky to meet all these people during my journey. Meeting accidentally, traveling together and sharing enthusiasm gives that kind of energy that it supports you.” Making of POSE was same kind of journey – journey with people who share same enthusiasm. And it just got out of hands, like one of friends told me. Though, this journey was different than previous one – there were two different periods.
Shooting images for POSE was doing together and sharing. After that began more lonely period: only me and laptop. Even though basis of all text was done before Christmas, I did most of the writing between January and March 2015. I basically just sat and wrote all that time. Even though it was tough, I now feel like that to concentrate on writing totally for some time kept text coherent. This period was when you all my friends were priceless. I got so much support from you. Thank you 🙂
Now POSE is out and meaningful journey has come to an end. Great experiences with great people, learning to know me, getting through tough time – it feels like life. All the experiences are as important as final book. Earlier this year I was visitor blogger and I wrote about this journey:
“Images is POSE present for me all that you can do together when you are engaged to project, and do more you can believe you can do. It presents dreams come true. Doing together, and doing more than you dream you can do, carry you. That carries you to that future you can’t even dream on at this point. You just do them because you want to, and you believe it’s right.
At the end I counted where POSE took us…
– 17 photoshoots
– in 14 shooting locations
– in 8 different cities (Tampere, Helsinki, Porvoo, Sipoo, Karkkila, Forssa, Vantaa and Hämeenlinna)
– with 25 different models
– with 19 different people who voluntary participated in this project; three of them (masking team) were in all photoshoots
– and all those people who helped with locations, props etc.
As a result…
– 15 portraiture cases
– 75 example images: all different classical and photographic poses
– 60 diagrams: explaining important details of each pose
– 15 lighting diagrams
You can check example pages here.
And now?
Most of you have followed my journey “Making of POSE” via social media. I want to thank you all for support. Maybe you already have POSE in your hands – I hope it increases enthusiasm in your photo shoots, whether it’s your hobby or profession. I hope that POSE brings you as much as joy that making it brought to me.
I’m happy to hear your comments of the book 🙂 Please, do not to hesitate to tell me. You can send me email: tiina (at) tiinapuputti.com or via Facebook or Twitter.