Get inspired by the FEP Congress in Lyon was the theme of the workshop which was held in September. The workshop was for the members of the Association of Finnish Professional Photographers. I participated the congress last February as “a Finnish delegation”. I promised to be a messenger after the congress and deliver all the news from there. As we all know summer is busy time for portrait photographers, so finally at September we had a possibility to organize workshop. Never mind though -ideas, inspirations and excitement were still perfectly in my mind.
Congress in Lyon were organized Federation of European Photographers (FEP) and Groupement National de la Photographie Professionelle (GNPP). Program at the congress was great and atmosphere cozy, hospitable and friendly. It was great to see friends once again! Check my thoughts about congress:
In the workshop I shared my feelings and knowledge about the congress, showed some pictures from those photographers who were on stage there and told the stories behind the pictures, photographers’ feelings about photography etc. I was personally really impressed about all those presentations I was able to listen in Lyon: Paolo Roversi, Uwe Ommer, Martin Parr, Umberto Stefanelli, Pierre Delaunay, Bert Stefani, Eddie Tapp, Peter Mathis…
After my presentation we shoot together. Including get inspired -theme we added HAPPINESS and JOY to our themes for that workshop 🙂
At the beginning of the workshop my presentation.
Working together with JOY!
In the picture: Sari Muhonen, Mika Hiltunen and Riitta Kuisma.
Here are few results. Our model was Johanna Uusitalo from Foto-Friitala:
Thank you for all participants: Johanna, Marja, Sari, Sami, Irina, Paula, Riitta, Tuula, Mika from Tampere and Mika from Uusikaupunki. Thank you Laura for all the organization.