Aalto Materials Platform has arranged Photography for Scientists photography course for few times and before that it was done by Aalto School of Science.
Idea for this course came by professor Robin Ras who thought that scientists need skills to be able to take pictures of their projects, samples etc. I totally agree. Now after four courses I finally saw concrete examples of this. And now I’m not talking about only photo exhibition. But let’s get back to that later.
Photography for Scientists –valokuvauskurssi huipentui näyttelyn avajaisiin
One great aspect of Photography for Scientists photography course is that we finish it to exhibition. I found it exciting that scientists create art in Aalto University.
Another aspect is that when participants see their images final prints in large scale, it’s like magic. To see something concrete, not just pisture in small scale in camera’s backscreen or laptop. I think it also helps to undestand workflow of photography from planning to final result.
Special for this exhibition is also that we designed it by ourselves. We spent last session in exhibition location with small prints and thought about image order and places.
After that Valeria Azovskaya ja Glen Forde mage great job finishing exhibition with all pictures, labels and lights. I think our photography exhibition appears professional.
Thank you for all participants for your effort for this course. And of course thank you for Heidi Henrickson for making this all happen. I was really happy to participate this once again 🙂

Waiting for Opening to begin… Material Science meets Photography exhibition is in Väre, LQ Lobby (Aalto University, Korkeakouluaukio).
Our youngest quest turns out one year next week 🙂
Great to pose in front of your owm image – and use it to present your research (and it’s been in use already!).
This is how photo exhibition looks like: