Last weekend local camera store JAS Kamerakauppa organized photography workshop for Lifestyle Bloggers in cooperation with Canon: “How to shoot more visual and photographic images for blogs”. At the beginning of the day JAS Kamerakauppa’s owner Juha Saviluoto introduced place for participants.


JAS Kamerakauppa has one speciality which doesn’t exist anywhere else in Finland: they have Vintage store and museum. Naturally Juha introduced them with pride.


There’s “bad spot” in vintage store: section of recycled photography books 🙂 JAS Kamerakauppa has done this section even worse… have coffee machine there and cozy chairs – so you can just sit down, have coffee and check all the books… this time I arrived in Turku previous day, but I didn’t go to JAS Kamerakauppa – official explanation: everything was ready for the workshop,  unofficial: no new books this time…  – last time I just bought too many books… 🙂

In vintage store there are books you don’t find anywhere from Finland – no bookstores, neither libraries. Of course some of them are old, but there are so many things in photography which doesn’t get old – f.e. light is same today and twenty years ago. if you don’t have possibility to visit Turku and vintage store, you can also check books from JAS Online Store.


Then it was time for shooting demonstrations. We had them in local brewery restaurant called Koulu because I had there photography workshop a year ago and I found it suitable for workshops. They have great locations in and out. (Rest of the pics: Valpuri Mäkinen)


Even though we had only one day workshop, we had time to demonstrate how to use available light, how to place people in image area, how to compese images etc..


… and also  time for tips how to place products on image area etc…


… cozy sofas help to concentrate on learning 🙂

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After demonstrations participants spread out all over Brewery Restaurant Koulu to shoot and practice.

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At the end we went back to JAS Kamerakauppa and I showed few image editing tips. And then we were done…

I like these bloggers’ events because they are always so inspiring… idea for this event came from one of the local bloggers, Mari Hietala, who thought that there should be photography workshop for bloggers in Turku. She contacted Canon, me and JAS Kamerakauppa and made it happen. Bloggers are so enthusiastic photographers and they just want to learn more. And atmosphere is always so positive and happy. I enjoy very much to spend time with these people 🙂


Thanks to Juha and Susan from JAS Kamerakauppa for all organization – everything worked out perfectly once again 🙂

Thanks to Valpuri/Canon – you’re just so Mother of Bloggers 🙂


Here are some blogs written after our photography course (Finnish)

Mari: “Kuvauskurssilla bloggaajien kanssa”

Susanna:  “Halua oppia paremmaksi valokuvaajaksi”

Anne: “Valokuvaharjoittelua”