Masterclass in group portrait once again: from left Tomi Kallio (Valokuvaamo Potretti, Orimattila), Johanna Uusitalo (Foto-Friitala, Ulvila), Oscar Lindell (Studio Lindell, Porvoo), Sami Reivinen (Valokuvaamo KLIK, Tampere) and Tiina.
Masterclass gathers this weekend again. It’s been a while since we met last time. Latest photography workshop was held in last April. I found it meaningful for all group. I felt like everyone has found their path as photographers. Maybe I’ve picked up some experience too to be able to notice that 🙂
Circle closes this weekend when we see each other in Porvoo. We began Masterclass photography workshops a year ago exactly from same place. But it’s not the end.
Johanna shoot interesting person in photography workshop last April. Her aim was to achieve a portrait based on Henri Cartier-Bresson‘s concept “a fraction of a second”, the decisive of moment. She interviewed Armo previous day and we all observed it. We also gave her feedback of it afterwards. I found it important for all concerning all meetings with clients in the future.
Armo was shot in his own study. Johanna used as additional light source Lupolux dayled 650 which turned out to be interesting product. It was bright enough to compete direct sunlight (with reasonable distance from subject). You could also modify light beam and it had useful barn doors attached. Including that it wasn’t that heavy either.
I think we got great experience how interview affected to shooting. Tomi who was assisting could communicate with Armo in deeper lever. He wasn’t just assistant who moved light sources around. I think Johanna achieved decisive moment with better quality because of interview.
Sami prepared himself for becoming graduation season by shooting graduation portrait. You can see them using Lastolite’s TriGrip which I mentioned in previous blog. They’re shooting in my favorite café in Tampere: Café Runo. Great coffee and cinnamon rolls 🙂
Oscar’s project was to do “Happy Couple” shooting. Style is IN at the moment internationally and hopefully it will spread to Finland eventually. Aim of it is to shoot pictures in “snapshot style”. Pictures seem random and momentary taken. But when professional photographer does it, there’s more action outside image area than you can ever think of 🙂
Extra challenge for Os was that one of models is professional photographer, he had three professional photographers as assistants, there was direct sunlight and shooting spot was crowded.
Models in Happy Couple shoot were local professional photographer Liisa Karling and her husband Kerkko Penttilä. They’ve married a while ago, so we really had happy couple 🙂 And we had fun while shooting them 🙂
I think we talked before shooting something about strong angles…
One eager in action to check poses…
And he really needed assistants sometimes 🙂
One eager to check poses once again…
Great to continue from here. At this point I want to congratulate two persons 🙂
Our model Liisa has birthday today – Congrats Lissu!
In addition to that our masterclass has grown. Now we have a real MC-Baby. Congrats Tanja and little princess. Hugs from all of us 🙂