I got a great opportunity to participate to create something new for Finnish Professional Photographers Association. I just couldn’t say no (have to admit, it didn’t even occur to my mind…) Premier will be in 8th of April and I’m looking forward to that!
We wanted to promote Spring Update in a different way than earlier. In the era of sharing, participating etc. One Wednesday morning I met Sami Reivinen at his studio KLIK and we made a video-teaser.
New format – Interviews of Star Photographers
Who I want meet? Who’s pictures I want to see? Who’s stories I want hear?
Finnish Professional Photographers Association’s Executive Director Anna Kaleva-Tsagklas and President Jarkko Viljanen aloud me to involve the planning. The list of Star Photographers was long, but we tried to figure out a varied combination for this first event. Our longterm plan is to keep on organizing these kind of events more. Luckily the list is long – so, we’ll gonna have interesting interviews in the future too 🙂
Idea of the format occur to me when I participated in FEP International Photodays in Lyon 2011. There all the presentation were interviews. An interviewer and the photographer were sitting comfortably in the armchairs chatting. They were talking about the pictures showed on the big screen behind them. That kind of format pleased me. It gives more possibilities to interaction and coincidence.
For Spring Update we add some more interactivity: you can make up your own questions beforehand and the send them to Finnish Professional Photographers Association’s Facebook-page. They will be used in the interviews. I appreciate them ;).
Spring Update 2013 – on the Stage
I’m really happy about who’s participating in the Spring Update. I think we have three different kind of photographers who’s stories and pictures will give us listeners a lot. I know you can easily visit everyone’s websites, call or even meet, but still this is an unique way to meet other photographers. They will share their way of thinking, stories behind the pictures with you. On the spot. They are there just for you. I like the thought of that what you can learn from them (I know –can’t get rid of the teaching point of view… ;)).
Krista Keltanen is one of the top commercial photographers in Finland at the moment. I enjoy her visual and beautiful pictures. I think we’ll also hear about her new book “12 x Homes” which is just published.
Mikaela Löfroth is one of prized portrait photographers in Finland. I’m sure everyone is keen on hearing her thoughts about portrait photography and wedding photography just before the high season begins.
Antti Karppinen is a photographer with grazy ideas. I’m lookig forward to hear how we all can fulfill our ideas. And even make business. Antti works in Alias Studiot which has an unique format in Finland: there are several photographers working in the same company.
Learning by doing
The fun part of making a teaser was that I learned something new. Usually before public speak I calm myself down by breathing deeply, staying by myself, staring to the wall and smile to it (I know how it sounds). This time it didn’t work – I just looked way too serious. I don’t know how it came to my mind, but I began to run at my spot just before the shot. It worked. And it shows in the video too…
Spring Update – 8th, April 2013 in Tampere
I think Spring Upadte is a great possibility to meet Star Photographers and other colleaques. I’m looking forward to this event and I’m hoping you all get excited about as much as I do. I have already dreamed about the cozy, stylish armchair and all the stories I will hear 🙂
So, see you in Spring Update in April, 8th at 10.00. And those questions you want to ask, send them to Finnish Professional Photographers Association’s Facebook-page. Thanks for them already 😉
And if you are professional photographer – be aware. You might be the next 😉